Try semantic knowledge modeling with metaphactory

Sign up for this self-guided tutorial to see how easy it is to build a flexible and collaborative semantic knowledge model with metaphactory that all domain experts and stakeholders can contribute to. 


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Build your own semantic model with metaphactory

Knowledge is central to driving intelligent business decisions within a large organization. Yet, it's typically confined to the minds of domain experts or lost within emails and documents. A semantic knowledge model enables you to explicitly capture domain-specific knowledge and enrich your data with meaning and context that both humans and machines can interpret. It creates a shared understanding of concepts and terminology that fosters better collaboration and decision-making. 


Watch this video for a short preview of creating a semantic model in the metaphactory system. 

Tutorial at a glance

 Learn to create an ontology, manage vocabularies and data catalogs and build a model-driven UI in metaphactory by following this short tutorial. 

Tutorial benefits

Go at your own pace & complete in less than 3hrs
Includes short intro videos & hands-on exercises
Free — no setup or infrastructure costs
Model your own data or use our sample dataset
Hosted by us, tutorial instance owned by you
Customer support during the tutorial & trial period

Plus, you'll get a 4-week trial of metaphactory with your tutorial when you sign up.