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App building basics module


Data within your knowledge graph must be presented in a manner that's consumeable and comprehensible by all relevant stakeholders in order for it to have the most impact and usability. This metaphactory App Building Basics module delves into platform customization topics to support building apps for data visualization and discovery.


Learning outcome

Throughout this guided tutorial, you will learn:


» How to identify and create different kinds of pages. 

» How to embed the built-in semantic components provided by metaphactory in your pages. 

» How to customize semantic components and the page layout. 

» How to enable dynamic interaction between components by triggering events. 

» How to expose knowledge graph data by creating custom REST APIs.


Course structure

Templating mechanism

»  Creating an application page

»  Creating a template page

»  Creating a knowledge panel template

Semantic components

»  Changing the layout of a template page

»  Inserting a semantic component into a template page

»  Customizing components


Dynamic interaction between components

»  Explaining the event system

»  Exchanging data with other components

Exposing a SPARQL query template as a custom REST API

»  Defining a SPARQL query template

»  Creating a custom REST API


Building a simple user interface template

»  Creating a table

»  Creating a chart

»  Creating a form

Module summary

»  Module highlights

»  Next steps

What to expect

Complete each module in two 45-min. segments
Virtual trainer-led sessions with examples & guidance
Interactive learning with hands-on exercises
Training instances prepared, hosted & maintained by metaphacts
Slides & exercise material provided to you after training
Ample practice time in-between training modules

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